Seaglass can be found on the beaches of Jamaica. It’s beautiful, but it doesn’t start out that way. It starts out broken until the sea takes it, and after much pressure and pounding, it deposits beautifully shaped, smooth edged glass that sparkles and shines in the sunlight. We believe with all our hearts that is exactly what God intends for these beautiful gems from Botany Bay.
He has a plan for them. He loves them. And as he promised, he will provide for them.

That question rings through our hearts everyday. It was asked by a young woman from Botany Bay, Jamaica in a Sunday morning church service. Young women just like her were testifying and thanking God for their salvation and stating that they were believing God for his help and provision in their lives. They were poor, unmarried, uneducated women living in poverty. They were living without hope and looked to the only hope there is...God.
Twenty years earlier we and two of our children were living in Botany Bay. We had answered God’s call on our life to build a church and a school in this little village. With the help and support of many people, God accomplished what he set out to do. He built a school where the children could get an education and a church where they could learn of his love and worship him.

We hadn’t seen the school or church for twenty years but never forgot our amazing time serving the people there. We decided one day that it was time to make a “little visit” back.
We weren’t sure what to expect but we were excited, to say the least. Our daughter, Erika and her daughter, Ava decided to make the trip with us. Seeing our old friends and all of our students grown was more than delightful. Seeing how God had grown the school through a program called “Latin American Child Care”, almost brought us to our knees. It was in a Sunday morning service that the question “Isn’t there something you can do” was asked. Something was still missing in the lives of these precious people.
And that’s when we knew we had to go back. Since then, we’ve checked on ways we can facilitate further education and skill training. We’ve met with government agencies and churches to see if there is a way that we can help pull these young lives out of poverty, set them back on their feet and see them proud and strong and fulfilling Gods purpose in their lives.
November 22, 2015 Rebecca Campbell
OUR JOURNEY BACK TO JAMAICA. Last week Greg and I took a short trip back to Jamaica to secure housing for me for when I go back in January. Greg will be staying here working for a while due to finances and insurance while I go to help set up a program working with the church to help the young women in the community. Their needs are so great it just breaks our heart. I will be living in Botany Bay for a few months while we determine what is the best way to help. We would like to see more education possibilities for these young women. Please pray for us as we will be meeting with church leadership and local officials for guidance and wisdom as we set up this program. These are pictures of our new house. Pretty excited to see what God will do.

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